Interview With Arthur Cervantes Discussing Solutions and Products For Dry Eye

Interview With Arthur Cervantes Discussing Solutions and Products For Dry Eye

Mar 08, 2017Dr. Travis Zigler



[0:00] Introduction of Arthur Cervantes and discussion on why he has dedicated his life to helping people stop suffering from Dry Eye.

[0:37] Dr. Travis Zigler thanks him for being here. Dr.Travis Zigler's first question is from a person in the community asking, why don't doctors mention Lipiflow or Arthur's product as well as a treatment option. Arthur follows that with his answer.

[2:52] Dr. Travis Zigler asks his second question which is seeing how people can get this procedure covered by insurance and how much it usually costs. Arthur answers the question by saying hopefully in the future it will get covered but as of now it is not.

[4:03] Ashley from the community asks how long does each treatment last. Arthur explains the average time is about 8 to 12 min.

[4:33] Dr. Travis Zigler asks him how often do you have to be retreated. Arthur explains that it is a process. It is every week for the first month and then it is maintenance after that.

[5:55] Arthur explains why it is so important to maintain after the first month and what can happen if you don't maintain. 

[5:57] This is a good fit and will help anyone that is over 40, anybody with any kind of autoimmune system, anybody wearing contact lenses, and anybody working behind a computer. The list can go on and on. 

[8:24] Dr. Travis Zigler talks about the 20-20-20 rule that means every 20 min of reading, take 20 seconds to look at something 20 ft away or further.

[8:46] There are many different reasons of why Lipiflow may not work.

[11:09] Dr. Travis Zigler mentions that the quality of your tears can determine how good your vision can be.  

[11:41] discussion on who this procedure would not be for.

[13:11] Every day you should be doing the pharmaceutical grade Omega-3 fatty acids, the hot mask, and the organic lid scrub.

[15:00] Last question is how can people in the community get a hold of Arthur? He lives in Huntington Beach,CA. He does a lot of volunteer work and finds senior centers and organizations that he can go to and spend several hours treating people.

[16:20] Arthur is a part of the Dry Eye Syndrome Support Community. You can always tag him on the community page on Facebook if you have any question for him.

Click Here To Watch The Video And Join The Discussion On Facebook 

[16:55] Arthur wants to help in anyway that he can. He wants to help spread the word about Dry Eye. We must take care of the problem so that it doesn't end up leaving irreplaceable damage.

[18:50] With questions or comments, put them below.


Discussion about Dry Eye

Treatments and Products For Dry Eye

I did an interview today with Arthur Cervantes. Arthur is a partner at Dry Eye Guys. They have some great products including a plug in warm compresses, a lid scrub for eyelid cleansing and keeping demodex away, and the Mibo Thermoflo (which is a great product that is similar to the Lipiflow)

You can tag him on here to ask him any questions.


Warm Compress:…/miboflo-dry-eye-mask

Lid Scrubs:

Mibo Thermoflo:


One Love,

Dr.Travis Zigler 


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